Sr. R&D Officer, Marico Limited
Having studied in a Gujarati medium school, English was a nightmare, more so when I took up science at the HSC level and couldn’t comprehend the simplest of concepts. Nevertheless, I was determined to take charge of my life and build my future. With extensive reading, practice, and self-discipline, I managed to top the Boards in my school and ranked amongst the top 1% of the students of Maharashtra that year.
Shortly after joining the Institute of Chemical Technology, Katalyst came into my life and propelled me towards a journey of exponential growth of skills and attitude. I still remember sessions by Ms. Rukmini Iyer who instilled in me the quality to listen and empathize, to be a better leader. My mentor, Ms. Radhika Goradia set an example for me by being a strong independent woman. During my 4-years of B.Tech, Katalyst constantly reminded me that my financial status did not define me. What defined me was my knowledge, my ability to upskill, adapt, and accept challenges with a positive outlook.
While going through placements, anxious and worried I thought to myself, “I don’t have the best marks in class to land up with the best job” but then I realised that it’s the entire package of a person, their skills and attitude that count more than just marks, all of which had already been taken care of by Katalyst. I bagged the best job offered that year at Marico which has allowed me to attain a better quality of life for me and my family. And about the forthcoming challenges of life? I say, bring it on!